He Tapu Te Ūpoko – Stroke Prevention

Nita Brown.

It is a word that many of us have heard of before. A word that many of our people have had firsthand experience with, whether from a frightening and traumatic life experience, or a life filled with chances and hope of recovery.

Stroke is the third largest killer in Aotearoa. Between 2-3 Māori will experience a stroke every day, which is about 750–800 tangata whenua a year. Unfortunately, the statistics continue to rise among whānau Māori despite the decline of the disease in non-Māori. Stroke is largely preventable, so how can we reduce stroke incidences in Aotearoa?

In this webinar, join us with Nita Brown, Māori Health Adviser for the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand, as we learn about stroke, learn about blood pressure, and learn F.A.S.T. (onset stroke symptoms) to save another person’s life!

The Stroke Foundation is dedicated to reducing the incidence of stroke and saving lives, and improving outcomes and supporting people affected by stroke in Aotearoa. They cannot do this alone and need the support of many.
