Growing the Puna: Summer 17/18 Interns

Ko Motu-Pōhue toku mauka
Ko Te Ara a Kiwa toku tai
Ko Uruao, Takitimu, Tairea oku waka
Ko Awarua toku rohe
Ko Kai Tahu toku iwi
Ko Kai Atawhiua toku hapū
Ko Te Rau Aroha toku marae
Ko Tahupotiki toku whare

Kia ora, my name is Hannah and I am currently a third-year Nutrition and Food Science student at the University of Auckland. Once I finish my undergraduate studies I aspire to complete a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics and become a registered Dietitian. I am passionate about Māori health and wellbeing, and hope to work with NZ communities to reduce the rates of negative nutrition related health outcomes among Māori.

I am very excited to be an intern at Toi Tangata for the 2017/18 summer. My role is to develop the nutrition component of the He Pī Ka Rere programme, a previously validated Toi Tangata initiative. I look forward to the learning opportunities this project will bring, and to connecting with others who are equally passionate about Māori health and wellbeing.

Ko Matawhaura te maunga
Ko Rotoiti te roto
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Ko Tapuaeharuru te marae
Ko Te Arawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Pikiao te hapū
Ko Mitchell Purvis tōku ingoa.
Nō Te Awakairangi ahau.

Kia ora, my name is Mitchell and I am from Lower Hutt, Wellington whilst I whakapapa to Ngāti Pikiao in the Rotorua region. I have recently completed my Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education at the University of Otago under the supervision of Dr Hauiti Hakopa and Dr Anne-Marie Jackson. Additionally, I am apart of a Māori research excellence group named Te Koronga. During this year, my focus was on examining sport as a vehicle to provide opportunities for male youth to understand their identity, challenging the perception of masculinity.

Through my lifetime passion and achievements in the sporting field, in particular rugby, my focus over the past five years has been premised on building youth competencies and self-confidence. Additionally, I am enthusiastic to see an opportunity as the one Toi Tangata has provided to utilise my expertise and experiences thus far through the internship for the 2017/2018 Summer.

The aim for this internship is to focus on examining the importance of Māori sports
organisations such as Māori rugby, Māori rugby league, Māori netball, Waka Ama and
further Māori sporting organisations, and how these are critical for Māori identity and
development. Furthermore, how these sports are situated within mainstream sports in relation to the connection between sport, Māori identity and culture.

L-R: Ben and Hannah

Ko Kahuranaki te maunga
Ko Ngaruroro te awa
Ko Omahu, ko Marangai ōku marae
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu, ko Ngāti Rangi ōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Hinemanu te hapu
Ko Tākitimu, ko Aotea ōku waka
Ko Benjamin Dimitrious Hanara tōku ingoa

Kia ora whanau, my name is Ben and I have recently completed my Bachelors degree of Physical Education Sport and Exercise science at the University of Otago. In 2018, I will do further research into postgraduate study under the supervision of Dr Anne-Marie Jackson and Dr Hauiti through a Māori research excellence group known as Te Koronga. I am passionate about finding a way for Māori to recuperate cultural identity in the world using sport and exercise as a vehicle to do so.

If I could summarise my interest, it would be any sport under the sun. I am specifically interested in basketball, rugby, and powerlifting. I have played rugby most of my life and have been involved in powerlifting over the last few years, competing at an international scale.

I am extremely excited to be an intern at Toi Tangata for the 2017/18 summer. My job is to research the importance of wai in relieving negative health impacts for Māori whānau and extended communities. I look forward to working with the people of Toi Tangata and extending my research capabilities.