Out of my Comfort Zone- Fi’s 8 week Māori Movement Journey

Out of my comfort zone. Now that I look back on this experience, that is what comes to mind.

“This is way out of my comfort zone OMG ……okay, I am here now let’s just DO IT”

Check out these links to my vlogs of my journey to see what I mean. Memories which show how my character dealt with this new realm of discovery and awakening.

I learned many things on this journey, but the 3 big things that happened to me on this journey:

  1. I learned HOW TO MOVE using movements handed down by our tūpuna, movements that I have watched my kids, whānau and our amazing Māori performers do and watched in awe, never thought I would ever…..ever…. be able to do …….. and even think I could do at this stage of my life. I felt graceful and beautiful as a Māori wahine (Thanks Ma (Sarah Tumai) for the knee pads – I wouldn’t have coped without.
  2. Our culture is AMAZING! I had the chance to learn, see, hear, participate in meditation, chants, dance, use of rakau, karakia, experience my first ‘Pure’ at Pukematekeo (a very special maunga in Auckland) and be part of the first 8 week journey of Te Whare ĀIO whānau.
  3. The Power of GRATITUDE and INNER PEACE.

When I go to the gym, it’s all about the physical and of course I will continue to go to the gym…… however I have now opened my SOUL and realised that I am proud to be Māori living in an era of craziness and many unknowns and I need to stop and be grateful for all the learning (good and not so good) I have received in my life to date.  

Moving forward, my Life has a purpose and with the help of many (including those beyond this realm) I will walk every day surrounded by LOVE.

So it’s Fiona signing out. Thanks Māori Movement; Beez, Kura and the Māori Movement Team and Whānau for opening my heart, mind and body. Bring on the next challenge to push me out of my COMFORT ZONE!