2018 Public Health Champion Awards

The Public Health Association is pleased to invite nominations for this year’s Public Health Champion Awards.

Public Health Champion Award

The purpose of the PHA’s Public Health Champion Award is to recognise and profile the outstanding contribution by an individual to public health.
The criteria for the award are:

– for an individual working in public health who has focused on the PHA’s priorities in the past year; and/or
– has made a significant and ongoing contribution to public health over many years

Nominees may be well known in a local community or be a well-known national public figure. Nominees do not need to be members of the PHA, but priority will be given to nominations by members.

Tū Rangatira mō te Ora award

The Public Health Association is pleased to invite nominations for this year’s Māori Public Health Tū Rangatira mō te Ora Award.
The Award is presented to a person or rōpu who demonstrate leadership in hauora Māori.

The Tū Rangatira mō te Ora Award has been awarded since 2010. It recognises the commitment made by nominees to hauora Māori.
The Tū Rangatira mō te Ora Award is an opportunity to recognise people who have worked with Māori communities, as well as people who have taken more prominent roles within whānau, hapū and/or iwi including within marae.
The nominee does not need to be a PHA member; however we do encourage membership to the PHA.

Download and complete the nomination form at  includes (up to) 400 word statement on why you are nominating them.

The quality of the information you provide will greatly assist the selection process.
The successful nomination will be chosen by the PHA Awards Committee.

Public Health Champions 2017

Dame Margaret Sparrow, Sexual health advocate for ‘Unwavering commitment to sexual health and reproductive rights’

Grant Berghan, Māori health leader for ‘An unfolding legacy tino rangatiratanga’

Tū Rangatira mō te Ora Champion 2017
Kathrine Clark  ‘He toka tu moana, ara he toa rongonui’

Important dates for both awards:

Action                                                                        Due date
Nominations close with NO                                       Fri 17/08/2018
Awards committee receive nominations                 Weds 24/08/2018
Awards committee advise NO of recipients            Fri 31/08/2018
Awards presentation at PHA AGM                           Thu 11/10/2018