Maramataka hui at Hapai te Hauora

Maramataka Innovation / co-design kaupapa | Healthy Families Waitākere

In April, Toi Tangata kaiarahi nutrition,  Sande Mareroa-Gates, attended the Healthy Families Maramataka Innovation/co-design kaupapa at Hāpai Te Hauora Māori Public Health offices in Henderson. The hui, hosted by Vikki Ham, kaiwhakaauaha pūnaha for Healthy Families Waitākere, was well attended by a wide range of kaimahi, from organisations such as Waitemata DHB, Tāmaki Library Services, Whanau o Waipareira and Te Haa Oranga.

This introductory level wānanga, presented by Matua Rereata Makiha, provided participants with an amazing insight as to how whanau from the Hokianga can apply maramataka to their every day lives.

Vikki reiterates, ‘the most effective way to use maramataka as a guide is to observe the tohu within the environment that we live, learn, work and play in.  According to Matua Rereata, this takes a good year for someone to fully live and immerse themselves in our natural environment, to take note of the tides, the tohu (signs) of the season, te mea, te mea.  It’s also important to note that each iwi has their own maramataka and therefore the reading of the tides, tohu will depend on the iwi you come from and where you geographically live’.

If you are interested in finding out more about this kaupapa please contact:

Vikki Ham

Kaiwhakaauaha pūnaha

Healthy Families Waitākere