
Kai Māori Kai Ora imagery

Toi Tangata has been looking to redesign the imagery associated with our Kai Māori Kai Ora kaupapa. 

He oko te āhua o te tohu. Ka mutu he hoahoa kei te oko nei e whakaata ana i tētahi kanohi. Ko te kanohi nei e whakaata mai ana i ngā tāonga o uki hei kai mā tātou ngā uri whakaheke. Kei te kanohi e kitea hoki ana i tētahi pātaka kai. Ko taua pātaka kai ko ngā kai i kaingia e o tātou tūpuna. Ko te take kei roto te pātaka i te kanohi, he tohu ko koe anoo tō wharekai, ko koe anoo tō pātaka kai, me mataara ki ngā mōmō kai ka horahia e koe ki tō wharekai.

The Kai Māori Kai Ora symbol is an oko (bowl). The designs on the oko are symbols that show a face in traditional Māori designs. Inside the face is a pātaka (storehouse), and your wharekai, a place where our ancestors kept their food stored. The reason the pātaka is inside the face is symbolising that you are a reflection of what you eat so be careful what you put into your body. When hosting a feast in your wharekai, it must be food that will nourish and keep your guests happy when they come to eat in your wharekai. So make sure your wharekai has food with great sources of nutrients in it.

Check it out and let us know what you think!