Toi Tangata commends Rotorua marae’s fizz free stance

Monday 16 September 2019
For immediate release

Toi Tangata congratulates Tūnohopū Marae of Ohinemutu, Rotorua, for their leadership in adopting a fizzy drink and plastic bottle ban and challenges other marae to follow suit. 

“Embracing this kaupapa is an awesome step in supporting the wellbeing of the hapū. The marae is setting a great example for whanau and the community on how to make healthy lifestyle choices,” says Megan Tunks, Toi Tangata CEO. 

“We know that our whanau and communities want to shape healthy, sugar free environments. A simple and positive action whanau can take is through embracing kaupapa such as this on marae and in community events.”

“It is great to see marae doing their part in encouraging oranga and we support these initiatives 100 per cent. We know that alongside these efforts, increased availability of safe and clean water will encourage whānau to choose wai Māori,” says Tunks.

“We applaud the Tūnohopū Marae trustees for making this bold move and think they should be very proud to know that they are supporting their whānau to live longer and healthier lives and are setting a great example of community leadership in hauora Māori.”

The kaupapa reflects Toi Tangata’s mahi to promote water as the first drink of choice, normalising healthier lifestyle choices. Toi Tangata also commends the mahi of sustainability initiative, Para Kore, for their support of the marae.

“Tūnohopū Marae has shown a strong commitment to oranga tinana through the promotion of wai Māori which is embedded in te ao Māori. Toi Tangata encourages other marae to step up to the kaupapa of embracing a fizzy drink free space for whanau,” says Tunks. 

“Everyone benefits from a healthy environment.”

About Toi Tangata

Toi Tangata is a national Māori public health agency which focuses on developing, delivering and championing positive health initiatives to accelerate health outcomes for Māori. They are a team of specialists dedicated to health approaches informed by mātauranga Māori.