Toi Ako webinar: Maramataka: Applying a Māori Systems Approach to systems change

Presented by the Healthy Families Rotorua team, the focus of this webinar is to apply a Māori systems approach to build the capability and capacity of Maramataka practitioners who want to participate in activities across a range of settings, contributing to long-term sustainable change that improves and increases healthier environments. Applying a Māori systems return approach to growing community intelligence to positively disrupt current systems.

 To grow community knowledge and confidence to apply a Maori systems return approach to complex issues

  • To strengthen the prevention pathway
  • To normalise traditional practices that promote healthier choices
  • To increase Health Promoting Environments.
  • To Increase community leadership and ownership through a community of practice.
  • To strengthen our Local Prevention Systems.

Check out our upcoming webinars or view past webinars here.