

In March 2018 the Toi Tangata HQ will relocate to the new Northwest, Westgate development.  It is a growing and exciting hub of shops, restaurants, businesses, parks and community centres.   Exciting times for our Toi Tangata whanau....

Toi Tangata welcomes new board members, Pania Newton (Ngapuhi, Waikato, Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Maniapoto) and Lewin Husband (Ngati Maru, Tainui) onto the Toi Tangata Board.  We would like to acknowledge the work of Shane Ngatai (former Toi Tangata Chairperson) and Dene Ainsworth who are both...

The Fizz Free Whānau Challenge will again be kicking off on January 1st. In it's second year, FFW is simply a challenge to ditch sugary drinks for the month- to improve your own hauora, but also to contribute to a wider community of challenge takers...

In November, Toi Tangata Kaiārahi, Darrio Penetito-Hemara, held a He Pī Ka Rere introduction wānanga in Whanganui for the interested early learning environments. The wānanga was an opportunity to showcase how the He Pī Ka Rere approach can be implemented in an early learning environment. We...

Our Toi Tangata team was very privileged to be invited to the 35th anniversary celebration of the Te Kōhanga Reo movement late last month. The expo, held at Claudelands arena in Hamilton, was a hit with over 12,000 attending over the four days. The expo...

Toi Tangata and Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust recently reconfirmed their relationship with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations.   Both organisations share a mutual compelling goal of positively influencing kōhanga reo whānau to be active change agents and support them...

In a response to the Rotorua Community's desire to learn more about Maramataka, Healthy Families Rotorua presented a Maramataka Wānanga in August. Following this initial wānanga the Maramataka Advisory group was formed, made up of Maramataka enthusiasts and knowledgeable individuals to help guide the return...

Workforce development used to be considered the ‘poor cousin of education.’ It was thought of as something an employee would provide training in/for to produce more and better-prepared workers. Thought leaders have since pushed for a more expansive view and this is impacting on the...

The Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF), which ran from 27-29 September, was an international event for social enterprises from all over the world to come together, share wisdom, build networks and discuss how to create a more sustainable future. This year, the event was held...