A Cancer Research Week workshop co-hosted by Cancer Society Auckland Northland, SHORE and Whariki Research Centre Massey University, Alcohol Healthwatch and University of Otago.
Featuring renowned international and local experts, this workshop will explore the power of alcohol marketing and effective public health policies to counteract the pervasive promotion of alcohol, especially to young people. It is brought to you as part of Cancer Research Week, which in 2018 is focused on the prevention of cancer.
Alcohol stands with smoking and obesity as one of the key preventable risk factors for cancer. It is directly linked with more than 200 cancer deaths in Aotearoa New Zealand every year, but there are effective prevention strategies available to reduce risk and harm.
You will hear from:
This workshop is free to attend, but places are strictly limited to 60 attendees. Please register to secure your place. Click the green register button at the top of this page to complete the form. If there are no places available, please email smokefree@akcansoc.org.nz to be put on the wait list. Please put ‘alcohol workshop’ in the subject line, as there are several events taking place during Cancer Research Week.
For more information please contact Cancer Society Auckland Northland on smokefree@akcansoc.org.nz
About the speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Professor Gerard Hastings OBE
Gerard Hastings is Professor Emeritus at Stirling University (UK) is recognised as the world’s leading social marketing academic. He founded the Institute for Social Marketing which he directed for many years, and his academic career has focused on researching the impact of marketing on society – both for good and ill. This has involved him in advising Government and working with policy makers and civil society both nationally and internationally.
He was Special Advisor to the House of Commons Health Select Committee during enquiries into the alcohol industry (2010) as well as enquiries into tobacco (2000), food (2004) and pharmaceuticals (2005).He has also been an advisor to the World Health Organization.
He has published widely in academic outlets, especially in health and business journals. His latest books are Social Marketing: Rebels with a Cause (with Christine Domegan) and The Marketing Matrix: how the corporation gets its power and how we can reclaim it are published by Routledge.
In 2009 he was awarded the OBE for services to health care. In 2014 he accepted the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education on behalf of the University of Stirling for the ground-breaking critical marketing research conducted by the Institute for Social Marketing.
Professor Sally Casswell
Prof Sally Casswell, ONZM, BA(Hons), PhD, FRSNZ has published more than 200 articles in peer reviewed international journals, is a member of the World Health Organisation’s Expert Advisory Panel on Alcohol and Drug Dependence and is currently Chair of the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance and President of the Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol. She holds a personal chair in social and health research and is Director of SHORE and Co-director of the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre, School of Public Health, Massey University.
Her research interests are in social and public health policy, particularly in relation to alcohol. She has a particular interest in development and implementation of healthy public policy at the global level and in international collaborative research. She was selected by her peers to receive the Jellinek Memorial Award, the premier international award for alcohol research.
Professor Jennie Connor
Jennie Connor is the Chair of the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, at Otago University Medical School. She is a public health physician and epidemiologist, who teaches epidemiology. She has 20 years experience in public health research that has largely focussed on the health effects of alcohol, injury prevention, and sexual and reproductive health, and is a theme leader in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study. Professor Connor has completed two assessments of the “Alcohol-attributable burden of disease and injury in New Zealand” with international collaborators, including estimation of alcohol-attributable cancer. She is a medical spokesperson for Alcohol Action New Zealand, an incorporated society advocating for the adoption of evidence-based policy to reduce harm from alcohol.
Professor Antonia Lyons
Antonia Lyons is Professor of Health Psychology and Head of School at the School of Health, Victoria University of Wellington. Prof. Lyons has been teaching health psychology at various levels since 1996. Previously she coordinated the Masters in Health Psychology programme at Massey University, and also lectured in health and social psychology at the University of Birmingham, UK. Prof. Lyons has published widely on the social and cultural contexts of behaviours related to health and their implications for individual subjectivities, gendered identities and embodied experiences. She is currently a co-editor for the journal Qualitative Research in Psychology and an associate editor for Psychology and Health, and (with Prof Kerry Chamberlain) she co-edits the Routledge book series Critical Approaches to Health. She is a founding member of the International Society for Critical Health Psychology.
Dr Nicki Jackson
Nicki joined Alcohol Healthwatch as the Director in February 2017. She brings extensive academic and practice experience in health promotion and alcohol harm reduction, in particular. Her background comprises: developing and delivering training in evidence-based public health in Australia, leading the Health Promotion undergraduate degree at AUT University, and managing the alcohol and tobacco regulatory and health promotion activities of the Auckland Regional Public Health Service. Her work in public health evidence has been recognised by the World Health Organisation. In 2016, she completed her PhD investigating adolescent alcohol use in New Zealand and won the University of Auckland Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Award for best Doctoral thesis at the University in 2016. She is also an Honorary Academic at the University of Auckland.