

Delivery of interventions via smartphone is a relatively new initiative in public health, and limited evidence exists regarding optimal strategies for recruitment. This paper, written in collaboration with NIHI and the University of Auckland, describes the effectiveness of approaches used to recruit participants to a...

Habitat Heroes is a kaupapa that encourages communities to support and protect our natural environments. By being active kaitiaki we can all connect to the biodiversity, spirituality, history, culture and overall health and wellbeing effects that a healthy environment brings. The Department of Conservation's 'Habitat Heroes' encourages...

Each year in New Zealand about 9,000 people have a stroke– that’s around one Kiwi each hour! Delayed recognition of a stroke can have tragic consequences, including further damage to the brain or death. The aim of the FAST campaign is to raise awareness that stroke is...

Kai Māori, Kai ora is the central Toi Tangata nutritional strategy that aims to support the numerous components required for whānau to reach their potential. Kai Māori, Kai ora recognises that there are many different elements to well-being and acknowledges the reciprocal relationship between Te...

“The absence of an illness isn’t the same as wellbeing and recovering from an illness doesn’t mean that wellbeing has arrived; it means that you have recovered from an illness. If you run a marathon, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are well, it means you...

'Whakapūpūtia mai o mānuka kia kore ai e whati' Cluster together the branches of the manuka tree, together they are strong and are not easily broken. Miharo pai ana i nga korero i puta i te hui i nga wiki kua pahure! Rangatahi Tū Rangatira held their annual...

The team at Toi Tangata recently held our one day Symposium “Working the Kūmara Vine” at Te Māhurehure Marae (Pt Chevalier, Tāmaki Makaurau). Around ninety participants across a range of sectors attended the symposium. Of the participants, around half were first time attendees of a...

When I first met Hariata the first thing that struck me (and if you’ve ever seen Hariata you’ll know what I’m about to say) was her hair. Big hair, big personality. I then learned quickly that if you’re around Hariata, be prepared for moments of...

Ora began here at Toi Tangata in 2015 as the whānau navigator for the Bariatric Service project, He Awatea Hou. In this role, she excelled, making her various clients feel comfortable during an often difficult time of their lives. Ora is an empathetic soul with...

With an increasing focus on data driven decisions, various governmental arms are increasing the pressure to get health providers and community organisations to focus on the numbers. The idea of ‘outcomes’ is a big part of the government mantra to get ‘more with less’ and...