

Order Te Reo Kai Cards


Get Kai cards in Te Reo

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He rautaki kai tēnei mō te 4 wiki, e 5 hoki ngā tohutaka i ia wiki. I ia wiki, he rārangi kai whakauru hei ārahi i tō hoko kai mō te wiki. Ko ētahi kai whakauru he mea e kaha kitea ana i ngā kāinga, nō reira tirohia mēnā kei a koe i mua tonu i te hoko. Kei ia kāri tētahi whakarāpopotonga o ngā kai whakauru, he tohutaka me ētahi pikitia hei ārahitanga i a koe e tunu ana, ā, he kōrero taioranga hoki e whanake ai te mōhiotanga taioranga o ngā whānau.

Each set comes with Kai cards, Glossary and shopping lists.

Each Kai card set is sent free of charge. Please note a maximum of 4 cards will be sent in any order