

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="http://toi-tangata-alt.dev.supply.kiwi/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/He-Kakano-Darrio-Toi-Tangata.mp4"][/video] He Kakano - Live to Learn is a co-design framework to create learning environments that meet the needs and aspirations of Māori. It seeks to create a blueprint for change for a national education system that improves hauora Māori. He Kakano is...

Kids' Cam researchers are calling for urgent government action to clean up the junk food advertisements surrounding children to help reduce obesity after findings reveal that New Zealand children are exposed to around 27 unhealthy food advertisements per day. The innovative camera study, conducted by Otago...

Tuesday 21st November 2017 10am-2pm Springvale Stadium London Street Whanganui Based on traditional techniques used by our tūpuna, He Pī Ka Rere is a kori and kai (movement and nutrition) approach to nurturing the development of under 5's within their early learning environments. For enquiries, please contact Darrio Penetito-Hemara darrio@toitangata.co.nz 021 554 165 View flyer REGISTER...

Disc golf, like regular golf but… different. Though the sport was formalised in the 1970s, you’d be forgiven for never having heard of disc golf before and though it’s hard to know the level of interest, the sport continues to grow in popularity. Disc golf is...

Effectiveness of recruitment to a smartphone-delivered nutrition intervention in New Zealand: analysis of a randomised controlled trial Recently published in the BMJ Open in collaboration with Ekaterina Volkova, Jo Michie,  Gerhard Sundborn, Helen Eyles, Yannan Jiang, and Cliona Ni Mhurchu, this article relates to one of...

The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) Nutrition and Physical Activity (NPA) programme is offering Community Partnership grants up to $5,000 to support community projects that provide opportunities for children under age five (5) to engage in active play. Community Partnerships are about enabling communities to develop and...