
Author: admin-toitangata

As reported by Waatea News. Kaupapa Māori health promotion agency Toi Tangata is angry a UK-based company has used some of its imagery to give a Māori flavour to a vape kit. Chief executive Megan Tunks says while vape developer Acapella Harrison may have Māori whakapapa, he...

The Toi Tangata logo was designed by artist Tuteri Rangihaeata in 2013 when Toi Tangata was established as the trading arm of Te Hotu Manawa Māori. It draws on elements of both traditional Māori design, such as carving, and modern Māori visual and graphic design. There are two...

Toi Tangata has been looking to redesign the imagery associated with our Kai Māori Kai Ora kaupapa.  He oko te āhua o te tohu. Ka mutu he hoahoa kei te oko nei e whakaata ana i tētahi kanohi. Ko te kanohi nei e whakaata mai ana...

Toi Tangata, in collaboration with The Centre for Health, presented a Kai and Korero kaimahi and whānau workshop at Te Hiku Hauora July 3, 2019.  Part one of a two part workshop included combining the initial workforce development and research workshop to support both kaimahi and...